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How to Reverse Diabetes Naturally

Writer's picture: LifetronsLifetrons

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

According to the 2019 National Diabetes Statistics Report, over 77 million individuals living in India have diabetes. The risk for diabetes is largely impacted by age, obesity, unhealthy food habits, and physical inactivity in addition to genetics. According to the WHO ( World Health Organization), the prevalence of diabetes is increasing and is largely associated with an unhealthy lifestyle.

Diabetes is a health condition that is related to elevated blood sugar levels. You get diabetes when you stop releasing and responding to normal amounts of insulin after consuming foods with sugar, carbohydrates, and fats. Insulin is a hormone generated by the pancreas which regulates the blood glucose level and which also regulates the production of glucose by the liver. Individuals with diabetes are unable to remove excess glucose from the blood and hence the blood glucose level rises.

How does Insulin work
How does Insulin work

In simple terms, when food is consumed it is digested in the stomach and is broken down into glucose which is further absorbed into the bloodstream. Glucose then travels into the cells of the body to be used as energy. Each cell has a door that can permit glucose to enter. However, this door remains locked until insulin arrives as the key to unlock it. Glucose can enter the cell when insulin is present and the door is opened. When an individual suffers from diabetes, glucose is not able to travel to the cells due to insulin resistance resulting in the overproduction of glucose in the blood which causes high blood glucose levels.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes

It is an autoimmune disease where your body attacks itself. Here, the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas are destroyed. Your body produces very less insulin or no insulin at all. This type of diabetes occurs mostly in children.

Type 2 diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, your pancreas can't produce enough insulin, or the insulin which is generated by your pancreas cannot work properly. It is a metabolic disorder that is caused by increased blood sugar levels. There are various causes of type 2 diabetes which include:

Being obese

Having unhealthy diet

Having high levels of inflammation

Experiencing high amounts of stress

Sedentary lifestyle

What are the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes Symptoms

Type 2 diabetes symptoms develop over time and include the following symptoms


Blurred vision

Slow healing

Unexplained weight loss

Numbness or tingling in hands or feet

Feeling thirsty or hungry


Diabetes Complications

Kidney disease

Diabetes may cause chronic kidney disease

Eye disease

It may increase the risk of eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma and thus damage the blood vessels of the retina leading to blindness

Skin disorders

Diabetes may cause bacterial and fungal skin infections


It can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease which can cause dementia which is linked to declining in memory.

Heart disease

It can increase the risks of high blood pressure and heart disorders.

Nerve damage

Nerve damage in the heart can contribute to irregular heart rhythms.

Factors that can raise your risk of type 2 diabetes include according to the Mayo Clinic

Weight: Being obese is a major risk

Physical inactivity: The less active you are, the higher your risk

Family History: The risk multiples if your family ones suffer from type 2 diabetes

Age: The chances of getting diabetes increase as you get older

Darkened skin: This condition indicates insulin resistance

Polycystic ovary syndrome: A health condition characterized by excessive hair growth, irregular menstrual cycle, and overweight increases the risks of diabetes.

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally:

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Eliminating certain foods can be helpful

Refined sugar

It spikes blood sugar and enters the bloodstream rapidly and may cause elevated blood glucose levels. It is recommended to stay away from sodas or any sugar beverages

Hydrogenated oils

It is suggested to eliminate hydrogenated oils such as cottonseed oil, vegetable oil, etc as these oils are processed at high temperatures which have been associated with various health conditions including diabetes

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Meal scheduling

A favorable diabetes diet consists of having frequent and small meals throughout the day. It is essential to monitor the number of carbohydrates. Breakfasts should comprise high-fiber and low-fat foods. It is essential to not overeat as it can lead to sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. For more information, read our article " 8 simple tips for portion control & managing weight."

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Consuming foods high in fiber

High-fiber foods help to slow down glucose absorption and regulate blood sugar levels. It is recommended to consume at least 30 grams of fiber per day. For more information, read our article " Importance of Dietary Fiber."

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Consuming foods rich in magnesium

Studies have shown that diabetes is associated with magnesium deficiency. Magnesium plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels. Spinach, almonds, yogurt, and pumpkin seeds can help improve type 2 diabetes symptoms.

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Foods rich in chromium

Chromium is a nutrient that is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. It plays a vital role in balancing blood. Broccoli and green beans are good sources of chromium.

Consuming foods lower in sugar and salt

Excess salt can increase your blood pressure. It is recommended to reduce your sodium by opting for foods lower in salt levels. It is important to avoid sugary foods and beverages. For more information on blood pressure, read our article " 12 Powerful ways to lower High Blood Pressure."

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Eat lean proteins

It is necessary to eat lean proteins such as chicken, seafood, and eggs. Plant-based proteins such as tofu, and nuts can be consumed as well. For more information on protein, read our article " 12 POWERFUL BENEFITS OF PROTEINS IN WEIGHT LOSS & MORE

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Consume low-carbohydrate foods

It is essential to choose carbohydrates that cause a more gradual blood sugar rise like whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, etc. Choose non-starchy vegetables such as carrots and cabbage which do not cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

Losing weight

Losing about 10 percent of your weight can help prevent the progression to type 2 diabetes.


Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

10,000 steps a day can go a long way

Aiming to hit 10,000 steps a day is an excellent goal to help manage type 2 diabetes. It is suggested to increase your daily steps each week to take control of your health. For more information, read our article " Walking for weight loss: how to lose weight by walking?

Stress management

Solutions to reverse diabetes naturally

According to a study published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology in 2017, it was found that stress is a potential risk factor for type 2 diabetes and can trigger reactions relating to this condition that includes glucose release into the bloodstream. Meditation and yoga can help in improving stress levels.

Minimizing alcohol intake

Alcohol can lead to sudden spikes and dips in blood sugar levels and are higher in calories thus contributing to weight gain. According to research published in the Annals of Medicine, it was reported that there was a 43 percent increased risk of developing diabetes associated with alcohol consumption.


Exercise is essential to improve insulin sensitivity. Studies show that it helps to improve blood glucose levels and help delay type 2 diabetes. Walking, jogging, or weight training exercise for at least 30 mins every day is recommended which can help maintain muscle and support balanced blood sugar levels.

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Final Verdict

These are some lifestyle recommendations that can help to reverse diabetes naturally.

Disclaimer: The blog is generated for informative purposes. Views expressed in the blog are personal and belong to the author of the blog. Lifetrons is just publishing it on behalf of the author.

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