Visceral fat is a kind of fat that surrounds the vital organs in the abdomen. Visceral fat builds up due to excess calorie consumption, stress, increased consumption of saturated fat, genetics, and lack of sleep. A healthy amount of this fat is required to protect vital organs and provide insulation. However, an increased amount of visceral fat can raise your risk of different health conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

Causes of visceral fat
Sedentary lifestyle
A study showed that individuals who performed exercise for a year were successfully able to lower belly fat gain compared to those individuals who did not exercise. They saw a 25% rise in belly fat.
Alcohol consumption
Excessive intake of alcohol is associated with an increase in visceral fat
During stressful situations, a stress hormone called cortisol is created by the adrenal glands. Stress further causes overeating and hence excess calories are stored as fat in the belly.
Sugar contributes to an increase in belly fat which is also a leading cause of health conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, etc.
Different methods to measure visceral fat
Waist-to-hip ratio
It is defined as the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. The greater the ratio, the more fat is stored around the waist. Women with a waist-to-hip ratio of about 0.86 and above and men with a waist-to-hip ratio of about 0.96 and above are more likely to develop chronic health conditions.
Body mass index ( BMI )
It is defined as a measure of body fat based on weight and height that applies to adult women and men.
BMI= kg/m^2
An individual is overweight if their BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.9
An individual is obese if their BMI is 30 or above.
Waist circumference
Another method to determine how much visceral fat an individual has is to measure the size of her waist. A woman whose waist measures 35 inches or more is likely to carry excess visceral fat and a man whose waist measures 40 inches or more is likely to carry high belly fat.
Smart health scale
Lifetrons health scale is an excellent scale where you can obtain all information about the fat percentage right from visceral fat to the subcutaneous fat in your body. Moreover, it monitors your vital health parameters such as BMR, body mass index, protein, muscle mass, skeletal muscle, bone mass, hydration level, etc. It is an important tool to keep a track of your health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.

Different ways to reduce visceral fat
It is an excellent method to lower visceral fat. Individuals should include both cardiovascular exercises such as running, and cycling as well as strength training such as pushups, lunges, and squats which can improve their heart rate and muscle size too.

Healthy eating
A healthy balanced diet that is low in processed foods and high in lean protein, healthy fat, and complex carbohydrates can help in reducing excess visceral fat.

Keeping stress in check
Stress is a major contributor to storing excess belly fat. The body releases a hormone called cortisol when in stress. Some methods to lower stress include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, etc.

Good sleep
According to one study, it was found that adults under age 40 who slept less than five hours accumulated higher visceral fat. For more information, read our article " The connection between sleep and obesity & ways to manage it easily".

Reduce alcohol consumption
A study of Korean adults showed that individuals who consumed the most alcohol had the largest waist circumference which is a marker of visceral fat. Drinking too much alcohol can increase visceral fat.
Some foods can play an important role in lowering visceral fat. A food plan that contains healthy fats, protein, and fiber can help increase satiety leading to appetite control and resulting in weight loss.
5 best foods to lose visceral fat and reverse aging
Whole grains ( Oats, Jowar, Bajra, Brown rice )
Whole grains such as brown rice and oats are excellent choices to add to your diet. They are high in fiber which increases satiety while lowering calorie consumption. Moreover, they contain a good amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can aid in slowing the aging process. Jowar helps to control blood glucose levels and boosts immunity. The fiber in Bajra is soluble in water and forms a gel-like substance which helps one feel fuller for a longer time.
Beans ( legumes or pluses )
They provide an abundance of nutrients that includes fiber and plant protein. They play an important role in lowering cholesterol levels and helping to regulate blood sugar levels.
Nuts such as almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats that help lower bad cholesterol ( LDL ) and promote heart health. Almonds contain antioxidants which are shown to reverse the process of aging.
Vegetables are loaded with fiber and low calories that help with satiety. It further helps in preventing excessive caloric intake. They contain antioxidants that help in fighting off inflammation and lower the risk for health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.
Lean protein
Science has shown that individuals who consume more protein tend to carry less visceral fat. Protein can help in boosting the metabolism leading to weight loss and promoting healthy visceral fat loss. A study showed that increased protein intake was associated with lower body mass index, higher HDL cholesterol which is good cholesterol, and smaller waist circumference which is a marker of visceral fat.
Fermented foods
Daily intake of fermented foods such as yogurt, and buttermilk can have a healthy impact on digestion and a host of various processes that help in reducing belly fat.
Spice ( cumin, cinnamon )
Consistent long-term use of spices such as cinnamon, cumin, etc may help in lowering fat deposits by regulating insulin because when the cells absorb glucose in excess, the body converts it to fat.
Fruit such as berries can improve blood flow delivering more oxygen to muscles. Resveratrol which is an antioxidant found in fruits such as grapes has been shown to slow down fat accumulation in the body.
For more information on visceral fat, here is the video
Final Verdict
A healthy lifestyle that incorporates a nutritious diet, exercising, and reducing stress levels is an effective way to lower your visceral fat.
Disclaimer: The blog is generated for informative purposes. Views expressed in the blog are personal and belong to the author of the blog. Lifetrons is just publishing it on behalf of the author.